Nuestro terrenos perdidos II: "an absolute world"

Al parecer la Campaña del Vodka Absolute donde aparece la foto de un Mexico sin restricciones frontrerizas al norte, ha desatado una serie de sentimientos chouvinistas en el mal llamado país de las Libertades: Estados Unidos.
Foto tomada de un anuncio espectacular, sobre Av. Universidad, cerca del metro Coyoacan. Publicada en:

Una polémica se desato el fin de semana en ese país a raíz de una campaña publicitaria dirigida al consumidor mexicano por esta empresa francesa. De lo anterior da cuenta el periódico de circulación nacional "El Universal" en su edición del lunes 7 de abril del 2008, el cual a su vez, toma la información del diario estadounidense "Los Angeles Times". He aqui el articulo aparecido en dicho periodico:

Mexico reconquers California? Absolut drinks to that!

The latest advertising campaign in Mexico from Swedish vodka maker Absolut promises to push all the right buttons south of the U.S. border, but it could ruffle a few feathers in El Norte.
The billboard and press campaign, created by advertising agency Teran\TBWA and now running in Mexico, is a colorful map depicting what the Americas might look like in an "Absolut" -- i.e., perfect -- world.

The U.S.-Mexico border lies where it was before the Mexican-American war of 1848 when California, as we now know it, was Mexican territory and known as Alta California.

Following the war, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo saw the Mexican territories of Alta California and Santa Fé de Nuevo México ceded to the United States to become modern-day California, Texas, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado and Arizona. (Texas actually split from Mexico several years earlier to form a breakaway republic, and was voluntarily annexed by the United States in 1846.)

The campaign taps into the national pride of Mexicans, according to Favio Ucedo, creative director of leading Latino advertising agency Grupo Gallegos in the U.S., which was not involved in the Absolut campaign.

Ucedo, who is from Argentina, said: “Mexicans talk about how the Americans stole their land, so this is their way of reclaiming it. It’s very relevant and the Mexicans will love the idea.”

But he said that were the campaign to run in the United States, it might fall flat.

“Many people aren’t going to understand it here. Americans in the East and the North or in the center of the county -- I don’t know if they know much about the history.

“Probably Americans in Texas and California understand perfectly and I don’t know how they’d take it.”

Meanwhile, the campaign has been circulating on the blogs and generating strong responses from people north of the border.

“I find this ad deeply offensive, and needlessly divisive. I will now make a point of drinking other brands. And 'vodka and tonic' is my drink,” said one visitor, called New Yorker, on

Reader Paul Green goes into a discussion on the blog Gateway Pundit of whether the U.S. territories ever belonged to Mexico in the first place, and the News12 Long island site invited people to boycott Absolut, with one user, called LivingSmall, writing: “If you drink Absolut vodka, you can voice your approval or disapproval of this advertising campaign with your purchases. I know I will be switching to Grey Goose or Stoli and will never have another bottle of Absolut in my house.

“Hey Absolut ... that's my form of social commentary.”

-- Deborah Bonello and Reed Johnson in Mexico City

Asimismo, se publican una serie de comentarios hechos p´r los lectores en dicho diario:


Los ciudadanos de EU son los mas ignorantes, cavernicolas y retrogradas del mundo haciendo guerras para soportar una economia infeliz.

Lastima de pais los unicos ilegales en el mundo son los ciudadanos americanos por desestabilizar el planeta con guerras y atrocidades de instinto animal haciendo una escuela profesional de graduado, catalogados por crimenes de lesa, la ESCUELA DE LAS AMERICAS OR SCHOOL OF THE AMERCIAS. que orgullo se puede sentir por ser parte de ese pais?


Posted by: Juan sin Pena | April 07, 2008 at 08:10 AM

Absolut Vodka is terrible volka... this add just goes to show you they have no taste either...

Posted by: chris | April 07, 2008 at 08:05 AM

No es recuperacion del territorio mexicano

Posted by: Mexicano | April 07, 2008 at 08:00 AM

Well in fact there are many mexicans in US because
the american society had actively participate to heve them there.
HOW? Making wars in latinoamerica, imposing economical conditions
imposing puppets goverments, installing a militar school in latinoamerica, exploiting
the oil of latinoamerican countries and making
the best prominents graduate dictators
and tyrants of the world with the SCHOOL OF THE AMERICAS in Panama.

US WORK'S HARD to bring poor people to USA exploiting countries in latinoamerica,
so the illegal people is the US people making wars in the world, what "develope" country? is to be that?
I prefer to live in the third world lool.

enjoy the mexicans in US!!!

Posted by: Roberto Contreras | April 07, 2008 at 07:56 AM

It would make more sense to extend the US southward, since the Mexicans have proven for 200 years that they can't run a successful, non-corrupt government.

Let's suppose the add came true. I wonder how fast it would take for the Mexicans to turn their newly acquired territory into the shithole that is their country. Just look across the Rio Grande to see the paradise that awaits.

Posted by: nowetbacks | April 07, 2008 at 07:48 AM

Hey Jerry...when your country looks and performs like a Third World country because you guys didn't keep a tab on illegal immigration and all ther rest of the stuff that is happening with your government, don't come looking to Canada as a safe haven. We don't need nor want your type. But for the rest of the Amercians who want a peaceful and honest life? Come on up, we like you guys!

Posted by: up north | April 07, 2008 at 07:22 AM

Can you imagine California if Mexico owned it? Even the Valley Girls would be illegally crossing the border into Missouri. I hate Cali, but nobody wants more Mexico. Even Mexicans, obviously.

Posted by: MJ | April 07, 2008 at 07:21 AM

With the illegal immigration issue hitting the country hard at this time, the ad is in poor taste. I don't drink Absolut to begin with, but this just gives me another reason not to try it.

Posted by: Bald Rick | April 07, 2008 at 07:20 AM

I'm TOTALLY boycotting this brand!!!! And will get all my friends and co-workers to do the same. I hope this company goes down so fast!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Susan | April 07, 2008 at 07:16 AM

If that were the map the United States would probably have to worry about illegal border crossings into South Dakota.
Its funny but the United States has a problem with immigration -- illegal and legal -- but none with out-a-gration. I wonder why that it.
Give back Californinia and set it back a 100 years or so. Good idea Absolut.

Posted by: S. Bolivar | April 07, 2008 at 07:16 AM

Evidentemente, la polémica continuara por un rato, ya que al parecer, algunos gringos se acaban de dar cuenta de dicha campaña publicitaria, y por supuesto aqui en Mexico, comenzara también a dar de que hablar, porque si bien, los espectaculares del Absolute comenzaron hace tiempo aqui, los yuppies locales clasemedieros solo opinan cuando un tema se pone de moda primero en los Estados Unidos. Cosas del País surrealista.


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